Art Passions: Fairy Tales are the Myths We Live By Art Passions: Myth, Fairy Tale, and Fable
Art Passions Fairy Tale Illustrations by Kay Nielsen

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Kay Nielsen Art and Illustration

Kay Nielsen's illustrations to Grimms Fairy Tales, Old Tales from the North (East of the Sun West of the Moon), Twelve Dancing Princesses, Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales, and others. Can you see the influence of Aubrey Beardsley in his work? At Walt Disney's request, Kay Nielsen did the Bald Mountain scenes in Fantasia.

Also see Kay Nielsen Catalog by Book

East of the Sun, West of the Moon

Kay Nielsen Illustrations by Book

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arabian nights

fairy tales of hans christian andersen

fairy tales of the brothers grimm

east o' the sun, west o' the moon

the three princesses in the blue mountains

the three princesses of whiteland

twelve dancing princesses

in powder and crinoline

red magic

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Art of Myth and Fairy Tale.

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