Looking for Art?

Most of the art gallery has moved to Art Passions, a specifically noncommercial site. You can also find the free backgrounds there, and links to downloadable fonts like the one in the logo. Yes, I made the backgrounds on these pages and yes, you may use them on your website (just rightclick and choose Save Background. Celtic art is here. A huge number of Celtic Culture images are available at the University of Nevada.

Also see the celtic backgrounds on the books pages. More celtic art links and backgrounds on the way.

Related Resources

Books on Celtic Art

Books on Celtic Mythology

Celtic Art Prints and Posters

Jonathan Young's Mythic Realm - Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, all that stuff

Book Index

Art Index


Free celtic knot cross-stitch pattern

Sacred Celtic Texts

A Celtic Twilight by William Butler Yeats

Other Celtic Resources

Looking for Celtic Jewelry?

Jewelry by Stephanie Crammer Jewelry by Stephanie Crammer
Jewelry by Stephanie Crammer Jewelry by Stephanie Crammer

Check out Stephanie Crammer's custom and celtic jewelry.

Looking for Celtic Prints?

Celtic Art Prints at Artsy Craftsy

Irish Fairy Tales, Arthur Rackham Irish Fairy Tales, Arthur Rackham Irish Fairy Tales, Arthur Rackham Irish Fairy Tales, Arthur Rackham Irish Fairy Tales, Arthur Rackham

You can find some Celtic art prints at : Artsy Craftsy (source of the images right above). as well as other Arthur Rackham prints.

Celtic II

Try a general search (by artist, subject, or title). For example, enter celtic art in the box to browse for celtic art prints or posters:

or browse the Celtic art print and poster gallery.


The Scriptorium offers art fonts (sometimes called dingbats) and traditional fonts based on Celtic lettering. The title image of this page shows one of his Celtic fonts. He also offers Celtic images from the Book of Kells for desktop publishing -- we were very happy with the quality of the images purchased there.

You can download a demo version of Scriptorium's Stonecross font in Zip format or Stuffit for MacOS. Installation instructions are included.

art by Victoria Palmer
drawing by Victoria Palmer

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